Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Pigmentation Removal

How does laser skin rejuvenation work? Will my face blister and scab like my tattoo does after a laser tattoo removal session?

Laser skin rejuvenation is a much gentler treatment than laser tattoo removal. There is some discomfort, but this treatment feels more like a slight snapping or something pricking the surface of the skin. A special cooling unit is used to help alleviate any discomfort. Laser skin rejuvenation treatments are used to help improve the appearance of the skin (typically performed on the face, but the backs of hands and tops of feet are also great areas to treat with laser skin rejuvenation). Laser skin rejuvenation helps to even skin tone, slow the onset of fine lines and wrinkles, and in many cases increase collagen production.

By utilizing the same wavelength that is used for darker tattoo inks, but with a much lower energy setting, the laser is able to smooth skin tone by targeting pigment all over the face, hands, or feet. Areas with more concentration of pigment can be broken up by the lower energy setting of the laser while less concentrated areas of pigment remain intact. This treatment is good for patients who want to smooth the skin tone. The lower energy setting allows for a gentler, but effective treatment.

If you have darker sun spots, birth marks, or freckles that you would like to have targeted for removal, these areas will require a higher energy setting from the laser. Using a higher energy setting can give a darkening effect to the skin, or even a scabbing over the treated spot. These dissipate over the course of a few days to a few weeks. Whether laser skin rejuvenation or pigmentation removal, blistering is not common.
